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    09:00 - 17:30

Notice of Utilization of Personal Information

中國信託商業銀行 (含海內外分子行,以下合稱「中信銀」)謹請台端注意並理解,中信銀在現在已(或將來可能)依法 得經營之營業項目範圍內,基於下列事由與目的,於所涉業務執行之必要範圍內,而有必要直接或間接蒐集、處理、利用 及/或國際傳輸台端個人資料:
CTBC Bank (including its domestic and overseas branches and subsidiaries, hereinafter collectively referred to as “CTBC Bank”) hereby requests you to note and understand that it is currently (or may in future) necessary for CTBC Bank, within the scope of business which it may conduct according to the laws and due to the below-mentioned reasons and purposes, to directly or indirectly collect, process, use and/or internationally transmit your personal information within the scope necessary for it to carry out the business activities in which it is involved:

1. 為履行法定義務、契約義務、提供或辦理各項包括但不限於信託.保管及股務金融商品或服務,以及遵守金融監理、 司法.稅賦與其他依法具有司法或行政調查權公務機關之命令及查核;
to perform its statutory obligations or contract obligations, to provide or handle various financial products or services, and to comply with the regulations and audits of financial supervisory, judicial, taxation and other government agencies which have judicial or administrative investigation powers according to the laws;

2. 中信銀業務及行政管理(包括但不限於利害關係人控管、保險、稅務與財務申報、資訊安全管理及採購商品或勞務), 以及訴訟、非訟、仲裁或其他紛爭事件之處理;
to attend to CTBC Bank’s business and administrative management matters (including but not limited to control over interested parties, insurance, tax matters and financial declarations, information safety management and procurement of merchandise or services), and litigious, non-litigious, arbitration or other dispute matters;

3. 與台端有控制(投資)、被控制(投資)、僱傭、委任、代理、授權、利害或親屬(友)等關係之人,與中信銀進行各項 金融商品或服務等交易往來;及/或
for parties having a controlling (investment), controlled (investment), employment, mandatory, agency, authorization or interest relationship with you or your relatives (friends) and others to carry on dealings in various financial products or services and other transaction with CTBC Bank; and/or

4. 其他法令許可之事由或目的。
other reasons or purposes permitted by the laws and regulations.

中信銀玆依據臺灣【銀行法】及【個人資料保護法】等相關法令之規定,說明中信銀蒐集、處理、利用及/或國際傳輸台 端個人資料之管理方針,以及台端所享有之權利或服務如下:
In accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations such as the “Banking Act” and the “Personal Information Protection Act” of Taiwan, CTBC Bank hereby sets out its management principles in respect of the collection, processing, use and/or international transmission of your personal information, and the rights or services to which you are entitled, as follows:

1. 中信銀所蒐集之台端個人資料,於所涉業務執行之必要範圍內,除相關法令明文限制外,包括台端之基本資料、帳 務資料、保險資料、信用資料、投資資料、交易資料、親屬(友)資料、網路(包括但不限於中信銀之網路銀行)登 入及瀏覽資料及其他依法可得蒐集之個人資料。
Your personal information collected by CTBC Bank, within the scope permitted by the laws and necessary for carrying out the business activities in which it is involved and unless otherwise expressly restricted by the laws and regulations, includes your basic information, account information, insurance information, credit information, investment information, transaction information, information concerning relatives (friends), internet (including but not limited to CTBC Bank’s internet bank) login and browsing information and other personal information which may be collected according to the laws.

2. 中信銀所蒐集之台端個人資料,
With regard to your personal information collected by CTBC Bank

(1) 其被處理、利用及/或國際傳輸之期間,包括台端與中信銀締結各項金融商品或服務契約之接觸、磋商、申請 與審核階段、契約存續期間、前述事由與目的全部消失、契約經確認無效或被解除、終止之日前、依法令規定 之保存期間及經台端明示同意之期間(以孰晚屆至者為準);
the period of processing, use and/or international transmission of the same, including the stage in which you are contacting and negotiating with CTBC Bank over various financial product or service contracts, the application, examination and approval stage of various financial products or services to be provided or handled by CTBC Bank, and the period during which the contracts exist, the period prior to the date of extinguishment of all the aforesaid reasons and purposes, the ineffectiveness, or rescission, or termination of the contracts and the safekeeping period as stipulated by the laws and regulations and the period as expressly agreed by you, whichever later shall prevail;

(2) 得處理、利用及/或國際傳輸之人,於法令許可及所涉業務執行之必要範圍內,包括
the parties who may process, use and/or internationally transmit the same, to the extent permitted by the laws and within the scope necessary for carrying out the business activities in which they are involved, include:

(I) 中信銀、中信銀之海內外子(孫)公司、中信銀所屬之金融控股公司(下稱「中信金控」)及其海內外 保險、證券及保險經紀人與其他子(孫)公司;
CTBC Bank, CTBC Bank’s domestic and overseas subsidiary (sub-subsidiary) companies, the financial holding company which controls CTBC Bank (hereinafter referred to as “CTBC Financial Holding”) and its domestic and overseas insurance, securities and insurance brokers and other subsidiary (sub-subsidiary) companies;

(II) 金融監理、司法、稅務與其他依法具有調查權之公務機關,及受該等機關委託行使相關監管權力之 機構(包括但不限於臺灣證券交易所及證券櫃檯買賣中心),以及投資人保護機構或爭議處理機構 (包括但不限於財團法人證券投資人及期貨交易人保護中心、金融消費評議中心及勞資爭議調解、 仲裁或裁決機構);
financial supervisory, judicial, taxation and other government agencies which have judicial or administrative investigation powers according to the law and institutions which have been commissioned by the said agencies to exercise the relevant supervisory and management powers (including but not limited to the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the GreTai Securities Market) and investors protection institutions or dispute resolution institutions (including but not limited to the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center, the Financial Ombudsman Institution and labor disputes mediation, arbitration or adjudication institutions);

(III) 財團法人金融聯合徵信中心或其他之信用評等或信用保證機構;
the Joint Credit Information Center or other credit rating or credit guarantee institutions;

(IV) 提供中信銀保管、清算、帳務、諮詢或其他專業服務之人(包括但不限於臺灣集中保管結算所、財 金資訊股份有限公司及臺灣票據交換所),以及代中信銀處理事務之第三人(包括但不限於中信銀 依「金融機構作業委託他人處理內部作業制度及程序辦法」選任之委外廠商,及與中信銀具有合作、 委任等關係之人);
parties who provide custody, settlement, accounting, consultation or other professional services to CTBC Bank (including but not limited to Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation, Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. and Taiwan Clearing House), and also the third parties who attend to on behalf of CTBC Bank (including but not limited to the outsourced institutions chosen and appointed by CTBC Bank in accordance with the “Regulations Governing Internal Operating Systems and Procedures for the Outsourcing of Financial Institution Operation” and the parties who have a cooperative, mandatory or other relationship with CTBC Bank);

(V) (擬)接續中信銀或(擬)與中信銀共同提供或辦理各項金融商品或服務之人(包括但不限於(擬)受讓 中信銀債權債務之人、 (擬)參貸人,以及(擬)與中信銀進行併購或類似交易之人);以及
any actual and proposed participant, transferee or assignee of CTBC Bank in respect of providing or engaging in various financial products or services (including but not limited to the actual and proposed parties who accept participation, transfer or assignment of CTBC Bank’s credits and debts, and the actual and proposed parties who enter into mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations or similar transactions with CTBC Bank); and

(VI) 中信銀依法得提供其台端個人資料之人。
parties to whom CTBC Bank may provide your personal information according to the laws.

To the extent permitted by the laws and regulations and within the scope of necessary for carrying out the business activities in which it is involved, CTBC Bank is also entitled and authorized to collect your personal information from the aforesaid parties.

3. 於法令許可及所涉業務執行之必要範圍內,中信銀及/或前述 2.(2)之人就所蒐集之台端個人資料,將以書面、音軌 紀錄及/或電子等形式處理、利用及/或國際傳輸。
To the extent permitted by the laws and regulations and within the scope necessary for carrying out the business activities in which it is involved, CTBC Bank and/or the parties referred to in the aforesaid paragraph 2 (b) will process, use and/or internationally transmit, in the form of writing, audio recording and/or electronic files and others, your personal information which has been collected by the aforesaid parties.

4. 中信銀所蒐集之台端個人資料,除於蒐集台端個人資料之中信銀所在地進行處理、利用及/或國際傳輸外,中信銀基 於為第三人提供或辦理各項金融商品或服務之需求、提供台端跨境金融商品或服務、中信銀整體風險控管或為符合 境外公務機關監理之需要與目的,台端個人資料可能被前述 2.(2)之人所在地跨境處理、利用及/或國際傳輸。
With regard to your personal information collected by CTBC Bank, in addition to the processing, use and/or international transmission thereof at the place of collection of your personal information where CTBC Bank is located, your personal information may be processed, used and/or internationally transmitted across the border at the place where the parties referred to in the aforesaid paragraph 2 (b) are located due to CTBC Bank’s need to provide third parties with various financial products or services , the provision of cross-border financial products or services to you, CTBC Bank’s overall risk control, or the compliance with the supervisory requirements and purposes of offshore government agencies.

5. 就中信銀所蒐集與保存之台端個人資料,除法令另有規定外,台端可以向中信銀:
Unless otherwise provided by the laws and regulations, you may, with regard to your personal information collected by CTBC Bank:

(1) 查詢或請求閱覽台端個人資料;
make inquiry or request for a review of your personal information;

(2) 請求製給台端個人資料之複製本;
request to make duplicates of your personal information;

(3) 請求補充或更正台端個人資料;
request to supplement or correct your personal information;

(4) 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用台端個人資料;或
request to discontinue the collection, processing or use of your personal information; or

(5) 請求刪除台端個人資料。
request to delete your personal information

台端得隨時向中信銀之客戶服務專線,或台端所屬之客戶關係經理或理財專員等提出前述任一服務之申請,中信銀 將依臺灣個人資料保護法及法令遵循或內部控制等相關法令之規範,據以決定受理或拒絕台端之申請。
You may, at any time, submit an application for the provision of any of the aforesaid services through CTBC Bank’s special line for customer services, or the customer relations manager or the financial management specialist assigned to you and others available to you. CTBC Bank will, in compliance with the Personal Information Act of Taiwan, the relevant laws and regulation of internal control and others, decide whether to accept or reject your application.

6. 中信銀必須特別說明者,台端有權自由選擇是否提供個人資料予中信銀處理、利用及/或國際傳輸。若台端選擇不提 供個人資料、提供不完全、不真實或不正確個人資料予中信銀、拒絕提供個人資料予部分前述 2.(2)之人,或提供 後向中信銀請求刪除部分或全部個人資料時,中信銀即有可能依法或基於風險管理等因素,無法與台端有任何往來 或提供台端所需之金融商品或服務,且中信銀亦可能提前終止與台端間之契約關係(包括但不限於各項金融商品或 服務契約)及相關附屬服務。
CTBC Bank must specifically state that you have the right to choose freely whether or not to provide your personal information to CTBC Bank for processing, use and/or international transmission. If you choose not to provide your personal information to CTBC Bank, or to provide incomplete, untrue or inaccurate personal information to CTBC Bank, or to refuse to provide your personal information to certain parties referred to in the aforesaid paragraph 2 (b), or to request CTBC Bank to delete a part or all of your personal information after providing the same, it is possible that CTBC Bank according to the law or due to risk management factor, may not be able to have any dealings with you or to provide you with the financial products or services you require, and CTBC Bank may also terminate its contract relationship with you (including but not limited to various financial product or service contracts) and all relevant ancillary services prior to the expiration date.

台端若想進一步瞭解中信銀蒐集處理用及/或國際傳輸個人資料之管理方針及台端所享有之權利或服務,請透過中 信銀官方網站揭露之通訊方式進行聯繫,或於銀行業上班時間致電洽詢。
If you wish to find out further about CTBC Bank’s management principles for the collection, processing, use and/or international transmission of personal information, and the rights or services to which you are entitled, please proceed to contact CTBC Bank through the means of communication disclosed on its official website, or by telephone during the banking industry’s business hours.